Section: New Results

Topological and Geometric Inference

An Efficient Data Structure for Computing Persistent Cohomology

Participants : Jean-Daniel Boissonnat, Clément Maria.

In collaboration with Tamal Dey (Ohio State University)

Persistent homology with coefficients in a field F coincides with the same for cohomology because of duality. We propose an implementation of a recently introduced algorithm for persistent cohomology that attaches annotation vectors with the simplices. We separate the representation of the simplicial complex from the representation of the cohomology groups, and introduce a new data structure for maintaining the annotation matrix, which is more compact and reduces substancially the amount of matrix operations. In addition, we propose a heuristic to further simplify the representation of the cohomology groups and improve both time and space complexities. The paper provides a theoretical analysis, as well as a detailed experimental study of our implementation and comparison with state-of-the-art software for persistent homology and cohomology [41] , [29] .

Multi-Field Persistent Homology

Participants : Jean-Daniel Boissonnat, Clément Maria.

In [46] , we introduce the multi-field persistence diagram for the persistence homology of a filtered complex. It encodes compactly the superimposition of the persistence diagrams of the complex with several field coefficients, and provides a substantially more precise description of the topology of the filtered complex. Specifically, the multi-field persistence diagram encodes the Betti numbers of integral homology and the prime divisors of the torsion coefficients of the underlying shape. Moreover, it enjoys similar stability properties as the ones of standard persistence diagrams, with the appropriate notion of distance. These properties make the multi-field persistence diagram a useful tool in computational topology. The multi-field algorithms are, in practice, as fast as algorithms that compute persistent homology in a single field.

Zigzag Zoology: Rips Zigzags for Homology Inference

Participants : Steve Oudot, Donald Sheehy.

For points sampled near a compact set X, the persistence barcode of the Rips filtration built from the sample contains information about the homology of X as long as X satisfies some geometric assumptions. The Rips filtration is prohibitively large, however zigzag persistence can be used to keep the size linear. We present several species of Rips-like zigzags and compare them with respect to the signal-to-noise ratio, a measure of how well the underlying homology is represented in the persistence barcode relative to the noise in the barcode at the relevant scales. Some of these Rips-like zigzags have been available as part of the Dionysus library for several years while others are new. Interestingly, we show that some species of Rips zigzags will exhibit less noise than the (non-zigzag) Rips filtration itself. Thus, Rips zigzags can offer improvements in both size complexity and signal-to-noise ratio. Along the way, we develop new techniques for manipulating and comparing persistence barcodes from zigzag modules. In particular, we give methods for reversing arrows and removing spaces from a zigzag while controlling the changes occurring in its barcode. We also discuss factoring zigzags and a kind of interleaving of two zigzags that allows their barcodes to be compared. These techniques were developed to provide our theoretical analysis of the signal-to-noise ratio of Rips-like zigzags, but they are of independent interest as they apply to zigzag modules generally [33] .

Efficient and Robust Topological Data Analysis on Metric Spaces

Participants : Mickaël Buchet, Frédéric Chazal, Steve Oudot, Donald Sheehy.

We extend the notion of the distance to a measure from Euclidean space to probability measures on general metric spaces as a way to perform topological data analysis in a way that is robust to noise and outliers. We then give an efficient way to approximate the sub-level sets of this function by a union of metric balls and extend previous results on sparse Rips filtrations to this setting. This robust and efficient approach to topological data analysis is illustrated with several examples from an implementation [54] .

Noise-Adaptive Shape Reconstruction from Raw Point Sets

Participant : David Cohen-Steiner.

In collaboration with Pierre Alliez (EPI Titane), Simon Giraudot (EPI Titane)

We propose a noise-adaptive shape reconstruction method specialized to smooth, closed hypersurfaces. Our algorithm takes as input a defect-laden point set with variable noise and outliers, and comprises three main steps. First, we compute a novel type of robust distance function to the data. As a robust distance function, its sublevel-sets have the correct homotopy type when the data is a sufficiently good sample of a regular shape. The new feature is a built-in scale selection mechanism that adapts to the local noise level, under the assumption that the inferred shape is a smooth submanifold of known dimension. Second, we estimate the sign and confidence of the function at a set of seed points, based on estimated crossing parities along the edges of a uniform random graph. That component is inspired by the classical MAXCUT relaxation, except that we only require a linear solve as opposed to an eigenvector computation. Third, we compute a signed implicit function through a random walker approach with soft constraints chosen as the most confident seed points computed in previous step. The resulting pipeline is scalable and offers excellent behavior for data exhibiting variable noise levels [19] .

Optimal Rates of Convergence for Persistence Diagrams in Topological Data Analysis

Participants : Frédéric Chazal, Marc Glisse, Bertrand Michel.

In collaboration with Catherine Labruère (Université de Bourgogne).

Computational topology has recently known an important development toward data analysis, giving birth to the field of topological data analysis. Topological persistence, or persistent homology, appears as a fundamental tool in this field. In this paper [57] (to appear in proc. ICML 2014), we study topological persistence in general metric spaces, with a statistical approach. We show that the use of persistent homology can be naturally considered in general statistical frameworks and persistence diagrams can be used as statistics with interesting convergence properties. Some numerical experiments are performed in various contexts to illustrate our results.

Bootstrap and Stochastic Convergence for Persistence Diagrams and Landscapes

Participant : Frédéric Chazal.

In collaboration with B. Fasy (Tulane University), F. Lecci, A. Rinaldo, A. Singh, L. Wasserman (Carnegie Mellon University).

Persistent homology probes topological properties from point clouds and functions. By looking at multiple scales simultaneously, one can record the births and deaths of topological features as the scale varies. We can summarize the persistent homology with the persistence landscape, introduced by Bubenik, which converts a diagram into a well-behaved real-valued function. We investigate the statistical properties of landscapes, such as weak convergence of the average landscapes and convergence of the bootstrap. In addition, we introduce an alternate functional summary of persistent homology, which we call the silhouette, and derive an analogous statistical theory [55] .

Gromov-Hausdorff Approximation of Metric Spaces with Linear Structure

Participant : Frédéric Chazal.

In collaboration with S. Jian (Tsinghua University).

In many real-world applications data come as discrete metric spaces sampled around 1-dimensional filamentary structures that can be seen as metric graphs. In this paper [58] we address the metric reconstruction problem of such filamentary structures from data sampled around them. We prove that they can be approximated, with respect to the Gromov-Hausdorff distance by well-chosen Reeb graphs (and some of their variants) and we provide an efficient and easy to implement algorithm to compute such approximations in almost linear time. We illustrate the performances of our algorithm on a few synthetic and real data sets.

Analysis and Visualization of Maps Between Shapes

Participants : Frédéric Chazal, Maks Ovsjanikov.

In collaboration with L. Guibas (Stanford University), M. Ben Chen (Technion).

In this work we propose a method for analyzing and visualizing individual maps between shapes, or collections of such maps [23] . Our method is based on isolating and highlighting areas where the maps induce significant distortion of a given measure in a multi-scale way. Unlike the majority of prior work which focuses on discovering maps in the context of shape matching, our main focus is on evaluating, analyzing and visualizing a given map, and the distortion(s) it introduces, in an efficient and intuitive way. We are motivated primarily by the fact that most existing metrics for map evaluation are quadratic and expensive to compute in practice, and that current map visualization techniques are suitable primarily for global map understanding, and typically do not highlight areas where the map fails to meet certain quality criteria in a multi-scale way. We propose to address these challenges in a unified way by considering the functional representation of a map, and performing spectral analysis on this representation. In particular, we propose a simple multi-scale method for map evaluation and visualization, which provides detailed multi-scale information about the distortion induced by a map, which can be used alongside existing global visualization techniques.

Map-Based Exploration of Intrinsic Shape Differences and Variability

Participants : Frédéric Chazal, Maks Ovsjanikov.

In collaboration with L. Guibas and Raif Rustamov (Stanford University), M. Ben Chen and O. Azencot (Technion).

We develop a novel formulation for the notion of shape differences, aimed at providing detailed information about the location and nature of the differences or distortions between the two shapes being compared [27] . Our difference operator, derived from a shape map, is much more informative than just a scalar global shape similarity score, rendering it useful in a variety of applications where more refined shape comparisons are necessary. The approach is intrinsic and is based on a linear algebraic framework, allowing the use of many common linear algebra tools (e.g, SVD, PCA) for studying a matrix representation of the operator. Remarkably, the formulation allows us not only to localize shape differences on the shapes involved, but also to compare shape differences across pairs of shapes, and to analyze the variability in entire shape collections based on the differences between the shapes. Moreover, while we use a map or correspondence to define each shape difference, consistent correspondences between the shapes are not necessary for comparing shape differences, although they can be exploited if available. We give a number of applications of shape differences, including parameterizing the intrinsic variability in a shape collection, exploring shape collections using local variability at different scales, performing shape analogies, and aligning shape collections.

An operator Approach to Tangent Vector Field Processing

Participants : Frédéric Chazal, Maks Ovsjanikov.

In collaboration with M. Ben Chen and O. Azencot (Technion).

In this work [34] , we introduce a novel coordinate-free method for manipulating and analyzing vector fields on discrete surfaces. Unlike the commonly used representations of a vector field as an assignment of vectors to the faces of the mesh, or as real values on edges, we argue that vector fields can also be naturally viewed as operators whose domain and range are functions defined on the mesh. Although this point of view is common in differential geometry it has so far not been adopted in geometry processing applications. We recall the theoretical properties of vector fields represented as operators, and show that composition of vector fields with other functional operators is natural in this setup. This leads to the characterization of vector field properties through commutativity with other operators such as the Laplace-Beltrami and symmetry operators, as well as to a straight-forward definition of differential properties such as the Lie derivative. Finally, we demonstrate a range of applications, such as Killing vector field design, symmetric vector field estimation and joint design on multiple surfaces.